Astrologue professionnelle
Diplômée de l'Ecole Maison9 Paris
Astrology - birth chart - personalized case studies
I accompany you for a change of life, a professional reconversion, thanks to astrology, to better understand your behavior with those around you, at work, professional orientation, help for the couple.
From health concerns, to psychological problems, overcoming burn-out, depression, baby blues, children's themes. Which direction to take?
Thanks to the astral chart, I can quickly find the most suitable solutions and prevent you from taking the wrong path, because change is yes, but at the best period is even better!
Business owner, what style of employee do you need?
What decision (s) to take and when?
In benevolence, in complete confidentiality, in non-judgment.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
L'astropsychologie est un outil de développement personnel, de connaissance de soi, pour prendre conscience de vos valeurs.
Coach de vie
Coach certifiée, ensemble nous mettons en lumière votre potentiel pour atteindre vos objectifs, vous réorienter, retrouver l'audace.
L'astrologie vous guide à chaque étape de votre vie, du thème enfant en passant par l'orientation professionnelle, la thérapie de couple, pour orienter vos choix.
Whether in personal development, for your relationship, at the professional level, to find the best partner, the best collaborator, to overcome an ordeal, your health, a burn-out, for your children, your grandchildren, your loved ones ... To take stock, to change your life, astrology is a real power over you and your life.